An introduction:
    I’m Renna Shesso, a reader and teacher of Tarot and other magical material, and a shamanic healing practitioner and teacher. I’m the author of Planets for Pagans and Math for Mystics, as well as a self-published series of well-regarded zines, aka chapbooks. Overall, I’m engaged in a range of spiritual, artistic and Goddess-related pursuits.

    Shamanism, Tarot, an erratic array of other subjects: All are deep-rooted in my heart and my personal life. This stuff is real, and I live this path.

    In terms of what I write and research, I like the term “independent scholar” — that may be a polite way of saying “quirky amateur”, but it’s time we quirky amateurs got our due.

    You can find information about my Shamanic training on the F.A.Q. page. Why all the detail? Since I'm telling you that I teach and I practice modes of healing, you deserve to know that I'm truly grounded in this material, rooted here over a serious, multi-decade span of time.

    May my knowledge and experience be of service to you!