2025 Workshops - through April
More will be added throughout the year
Beginning Shamanism:
Trance-Connection and Spirit-Guide Training
Weekend Workshop
Saturday & Sunday, April 5 & 6, 2025
10 am to 5:30 pm both days.
Held at a private location in the Denver-metro area.
When we grow and strengthen our inner resources, our potential to effect change expands. One of the great beauties of shamanism is that by nature it exists in community, both within ourselves and as we come together in learning groups.
Let's grow that.
How can we better embrace life with heart and spirit? We each have a personal direct-line to Spirit, but may need some help to reawaken it. Shamanism - the trained spiritual practices of Animism - is still here, and it still works. If it’s ready to reawaken within you, please read on.
This workshop covers the initial steps of a path with ancient roots and wide contemporary applications. Throughout many cultures and by many names — Medicine-work, Seidr, and Shamanism are just a few — variations on such work are known and used around the world. Each version is unique to its own people, place and particulars, but all have the common factor of Spirit, which is our focus.
You’ll discover the connections with your own Guides, and learn how to move into Their space, communicate with Them, and then return to our here-and-now so you can put Their wisdom to use.
This intensive 2-day workshop covers a wide range of key practices, including
— Creating ceremony and sacred space;
— Using sound- and intention-based journey practices, with drums and rattles;
— Meeting your spiritual guides and allies;
— Journeying to the Upper, Lower, and Middle Worlds;
— Building good alliance with your spiritual guides and helpers;
— Exploring Spirit-directed divination;
— Connecting with your personal ancestral roots to help work more deeply;
— Working in connection with others: the first steps towards Spirit-directed healing work;
— Learning ethics and protocols of these practices, and exploring their traditional uses in healing.
Building strong alliances with our own healing and helping Spirits helps bring in guidance, connection, and enhanced well-being.
For some, this training will be complete in itself as a personal path, but the workshop also serves as a prerequisite for more advanced practices into Spirit-allied modes of healing — Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Extraction of Misplaced Energies, Shamanic Death and Dying Practices, and more — that are used for healing work with individuals and communities.
We work in a small-group setting, so every participant can receive plenty of personalized attention.
Self-selected sliding scale fee: $125 to $225. Please refer to my F.A.Q. pages for information on Sliding Scale pricing. Click here to pay a $95 deposit via PayPal. If you prefer Venmo, my address there is @renna.shesso or scan the Venmo QR below. The deposit counts towards the overall fee and reserves your place; the remaining money is due the first morning of the workshop. Contact me for other payment options. If you have questions, please email me so we can talk before you register. This class' minimum fee - $125 - matches what I paid for the Beginning workshop in 1989.
Instructor Renna Shesso: Since learning the practices called “core shamanism” in the late 1980s, I've been melding that direct-spirit information with my own practices of the Craft. My primary teacher throughout the years has been Sandra Ingerman, though I find many of the most profound lessons come from the Guides that I’ve encountered within the journey. I’ve been teaching this workshop since 2005.
Shamanic End-of-Life Practices:
Death, Dying & Psychopomp Work
Saturday & Sunday, April 12 & 13, 2025
10 am to 5:30 pm both days.
Held at a private location in the Denver-metro area.
What happens when we leave this life? Where are we going? How can “stuck” souls be assisted across to the Other Side? How can we work compassionately with the dying and deceased? How can we get past our fear of death? Especially our own?
Just as a midwife assists as we're birthed into our new earth-life, the psychopomp guides us in the transition out of our earthly existence.
This intensive training will include:
— Working in good partnership with our own spirit guides to assist transitioning spirits;
— A deep journeying look at where we each go after departing this life;
— Personal "passageways" between worlds, with practice moving "between the veils" to and from the Other Side;
— Profoundly healing Psychic Dismemberment work;
— Ways to help transitioning loved ones to find clear pathways to the Other Side;
— Ways to assist "stuck" departed spirits so they can fully cross over;
— Evolving traditions of care for the departed and support for their loved ones.
This life-enhancing class is great training for health-care and hospice workers, those called to move into death doula work, and any who want to be able to better support family and friends in end-of-life transitions.
But it's not just for those on a healer’s path: this is useful information for all, as each of us will eventually encounter this human event.
“I've had deep and profound experiences as well as those of joy and comfort.
Fascinating, intriguing and uplifting!” – C.H.
Prerequisite: The Beginning Shamanism class or its equivalent is a prerequisite for this advanced class, and good journeying skills are a must. For your own well-being, and that of the others attending, there's an application for this training - please email me for the details.
Sliding scale fee: $175 - $295. Click here to use PayPal to pay the $95 deposit. If you prefer Venmo, my address there is @renna.shesso, or scan the Venmo QR code below. The deposit counts towards the overall fee and reserves your place; the remaining money is due the first morning of the workshop. Contact me for other payment options. Please refer to my F.A.Q. pages for information on Sliding Scale pricing. If you have questions, please email me so we can clarify before you register.
Instructor Renna Shesso:
I originally was trained for this work in 1993 by Sandra Ingerman, and I've used and taught these practices repeatedly since then. The subject seems to be death, but I consider this amazing approach both life-saving and life-transforming: It's been life-saving for me and has profoundly changed how I live.
Quintessential Tarot - a five-session Tarot series - will return in 2025, and the very popular Candle Magic class will be held again!
Are there classes you'd like to see back on the schedule? Please, let me know. You can email me through this contact page. Please check the listings under classes; when dates are scheduled, I'll post them there.
Or request an add to my email list via the Subscribe button just below, at the very bottom of this webpage - that will give you the earliest notice when new workshop dates are scheduled.
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