Renna - an introduction

I’m Renna Shesso, a reader and teacher of Tarot and other magical material, and a shamanic healing practitioner and teacher. I’m the author of Planets for Pagans and Math for Mystics, as well as a self-published series of well-regarded zines, aka chapbooks. Overall, I’m engaged in a range of spiritual, artistic and Goddess-related topics.
Shamanism, Tarot, an erratic array of other subjects: All are deep-rooted in my heart and my personal life.
This stuff is real, and I live this path.

Among my grandparents were an astrologer/herbalist on one side and an organic gardener/lapidary on the other (and an average range of ne'er-do-well rogues and wisdom-keepers, I'm sure). I began learning casually about plants, astrology, and gem-lore — Spirit-in-Nature — during my childhood.

This expanded erratically into other, more occult studies, and I gradually stepped onto a Goddess path in the late Seventies. A few years later this formalized into the practice of the nature-oriented path sometimes called the Craft, aka witchcraft. Privileged to study with many fine teachers, I always come back to Nature Herself as the ultimate teacher and healer.

In the late '80s, I began learning the practices of shamanism, and have found that — for me — the Craft and shamanism combine well to form a balanced and complimentary practice.

Extensive formal training in core shamanism has come mainly through Sandra Ingerman (author: Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner's Guide and more), but again, much that I’ve learned has come from within the journey experience, directly from the guides in nature and Non-Ordinary Reality. This truly is an ecstatic path of direct revelation.

I teach classes on Tarot, spellwork, shamanism, and other metaphysical subjects. In terms of what I write and research, I like the term “independent scholar” — that may be a polite way of saying “quirky amateur”, but it’s time we quirky amateurs got our due.

There's plenty more on the Bio page, but Ho-hum! Why all the detail? The internet is full of instant-experts. Since I'm telling you that I teach and I practice modes of healing, you deserve to also know that I'm truly grounded in this material, rooted here over a serious span of time.
May my knowledge and experience be of service to you!